The yellow layer cake with chocolate icing and chocolate chip sprinkles I made yesterday.

It is almost dinner time, but I made it to the post! We had a hectic morning with the sleepover. And Sundays are typically my preparation for the next week days. So today I baked bread for sandwiches, and I made a dozen delicious spicy chocolate muffins for a few breakfast treats (then cleaned up the mess). Also been working on my menu for the week.All the kids have been washed and hair brushed so we don’t have to do it tomorrow. Mondays are always the hardest days in our house. Everyone is resistent to getting back in the groove.

Haven’t done any writing this weekend, obviously with our schedule it wasn’t possible. And the only reading I did was a few cookbooks.

The Hubs and I are going to watch the movie Drive tonight after the Princesses go to bed.

Exciting things happening this coming week, writing related… I’ve got a couple of guest posts this week, and I plan on diligently working on my new Highlander novelette. I’d like to finish it this week.  Will also do one last read through of my finished medieval novel.

I am also making the goal, right now, to finish reading a book this week. I’ve got a couple going that I pick up when I have time, but this week I really want to set aside time to read. For writers, it is essential for us to read. It actually makes us better writers.